
Royal Gemstone: Sapphire

The striking deep blue of a quality sapphire is reminiscent of a cloudless night sky. Ancient civilizations believed that the world was set upon an enormous sapphire, which painted the sky blue with its reflection. This legend, as well as the belief that the Ten Commandments were inscribed upon tablets made of sapphire, gives September’s birthstone a royal place among gemstones. The sapphire was said to represent the purity of the soul.

Named after the Greek word "sapphirus", meaning blue, Sapphires have long been a favorite among priests and kings, who considered them symbolic of wisdom and purity.

In ancient times, Sapphires were thought to be protective against envy, and even against poisoning. A common belief was that a venomous snake placed in a Sapphire vessel would rapidly die! Ground to a powder, the blue stone was believed to cure colic, rheumatism and mental illness, and to strengthen eyesight.

Sapphire is the modern September birthstone as adopted by the American National Association of Jewelers in 1912 and the gem designated for the 5th, 23rd and 45th wedding anniversary; a star sapphire is typically given on the 65th wedding anniversary.

Sapphire is the non-red variety of corundum (the red variety of corundum is ruby). S sapphire is the second hardest natural mineral., only the diamond is harder.

Blue is by far the most popular color for sapphires, but they can be almost any color, including yellow, green, white, colorless, pink, orange, brown, and purple. Padparadscha is the name for a rare orange-pink variety of sapphire and has a higher value than blue sapphires.

Sapphires with inclusions of tiny, rutile needles exhibit an optical property called asterism. This is the star shaped effect seen in star sapphires and is usually only seen in cabochon cuts.
Star sapphires usually have six ray stars, but twelve ray stars are also known. Rarely, when sapphires are cut en cabochon, they can demonstrate a cat's eye effect. This effect displays a thin band of light down the center of the stone and is known as chatoyancy.

Heating colorless and very pale blue sapphires to high temperatures is done to give them an intense blue color This treatment can also improve the clarity of the stones by removing tiny inclusions. A rare variety of sapphire, known as color changing sapphire, exhibits different colors in different light. A color change sapphire is blue in natural light, and violet in artificial light. A similar effect is also seen in alexandrite.


Color 101

From Reds to Greens, Blues to Yellows, each color family has a certain personality and impact on the mood of a room.

Do you have a color you have always wanted to try, but weren't sure how or where to use it?

We have compiled some ideas and quick reference points for you to better understand the impact of certain color families, in the hope that you will feel inspired and emboldened to go ahead and try it!

Popular oranges today are described as red, metallic, brown or spicy
Paired with blues or purples, a spicier orange can be dramatic
Paired with reds and deep warm greens, orange can be exotic
Orange is exuberant, extroverted, active, and always cheerful

Associated with taste and sophistication
Brown is a sensual color
Seen as confident, yet restful and quiet
The comfort of brown will work for just about everyone

Strongest color in the spectrum
Has the greatest emotional impact
Red resonates with passion, romance, energy and courage
Red is known to stimulate the appetite and conversation

Soothing color because it reminds one of nature and health
A darker green has been said to promote concentration
A light green is fresh neutral
Popular color for the home beecause it is warm and cool at the same time

Yellow works in almost any room, but don't underestimate the intensity of yellow
Brighter and stronger yellows are said to increase the attentiveness
Brightens areas with little sunlight
Let yellow radiate its warmth in your home

Blue is the color to create a sense of calm and tranquility
Associate with spas, vacations, and the many ways to pamper a hectic lifestyle
Beautiful way to add clarity to any color scheme
Blues with a little more yellow are as soothing as a seaside retreat

The true neutrals are white, gray, and black
The new neutrals are any color in a low-intensity shade
There are warm and cool neutrals
Use neutrals to accentuate color or texture in your decorating

Purples have a powerful connection with our romantic, sensual, & introspective sides
Since purple is everywhere in nature, it is a color that is part of our lives
When slightly redder, purple is vivacious and exciting
When slightly bluer, it is as restful as a sunset